September 8, 2024
Women’s Health: When To See A Fertility Specialist

Women’s Health: When To See A Fertility Specialist

Planning to get pregnant can be stressful. You may be ready for a baby but you are having difficulties conceiving. Don’t worry, this is the right time to start exploring your options. According to Dr. Majid Fateh, most people think that infertility only affects women. Actually, it affects both women and men equally. In a relationship, there is a 50% chance that either a woman or a man has fertility issues.

Having Sex Without Conceiving

It takes up to 6 months to conceive for couples. You need to see a fertility doctor if you have engaged in unprotected sex for the last 12 months without conceiving and are still under 35 years.

As women get older their number of eggs and quality of eggs drop. This is why women over 35 years can try for months to get pregnant when not using contraception but have difficulties conceiving. Consequently, women over 40 have a high risk-pregnancy and need to see a fertility specialist. The risk of miscarriage is higher for women over 40 years old.

You Have Undergone Three Or More Miscarriages

A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy within 20 weeks of conception. In most cases, miscarriage occurs due to the sperm or egg having the wrong number of chromosomes which inhibits the normal development of a fertilized egg. It can also be due to early development issues resulting from the egg not implanting in the uterus properly or there are structural defects.

When to Get Help When Trying for a Baby

In case you have undergone only two miscarriages, you should work with a fertility doctor to monitor your health as you try to conceive. It allows the specialist to uncover if there is a larger condition leading to your miscarriage.

Your Partner Has Problems Maintaining An Erection Or Achieving It

Make an appointment with your fertility specialist. Your partner can go to a urologist who is the male fertility specialist. The experts are knowledgeable in the area of the male reproductive system and will guide your partner to get a lasting solution to their condition.

Experience Irregular Or No Menstrual Periods Or Have Heavy Bleeding

If you experience no menstruation, it may mean that you are not ovulating. In case of irregular periods, it may mean you have ovulation disorder or the brain is sending wrong hormone signals. Some women bleed between periods or after sex, which is a sign of having fibroids or uterine polyp. It can also be due to a cervical lesion condition. Heavy periods or excessive bleeding are also caused by an endocrine abnormality or uterine fibroids. It’s highly advisable that you see a doctor.

History Of Stis

Formerly referred to as STDs. The infections spread through sexual intercourse and can cause inflammation or an infection in both partners. Women can experience scarring of their Fallopian tube preventing the sperm and egg from meeting. For men, STIs cause recurring infections damaging sperm mobility, sperm count, and sperm function.

What To Do When You're Having Trouble Conceiving | Parents

Have Chronic Medical Problem

If you are having a chronic condition, talk to your fertility specialist. Do so if you have any of these diseases or conditions:

  • Hypertension
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid condition
  • Genetic disorders
  • Heart disease

You may not be willing to see a fertility specialist, but it’s necessary and highly advisable if you want to conceive. The doctor will help you navigate the problems as they provide answers to your questions regarding fertility.