July 27, 2024
Effective Management Techniques for Thyroid Disorders

Effective Management Techniques for Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders have become a common health condition, especially among women and older people. Thyroid disease may cause severe symptoms that result in discomfort and hinder you from carrying out your day-to-day activities efficiently. Fortunately, the Humble thyroid disorder experts offer effective treatments that help you manage your condition.

What are Thyroid Disorders?

Thyroid disorders are a broad term for a health condition that affects your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland that releases hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism. There are different types of thyroid disorders, including:

  • Hyperthyroidism: excessive production of thyroid hormone
  • Goiter: thyroid gland enlargement
  • Hypothyroidism: production of limited thyroid hormone
  • Thyroiditis: thyroid gland swelling
  • Thyroid cancer: cancer of the thyroid gland
  • Thyroid nodules: thyroid gland lumps

The professional medical team at North Houston Diabetes offers screens for thyroid disorders and provides effective treatment plans for managing thyroid disorders and reducing the severity of your symptoms.

How Can you Know if You’re at Risk of Developing Thyroid Disorders?

Anyone is at risk of developing a thyroid disorder, but then your chances of developing it double if you:

  • Have a family history of thyroid disorders
  • Had undergone thyroid surgery previously
  • Have an autoimmune condition such as celiac disease
  • Received radiation on your upper chest or neck that may have affected your thyroid gland
  • Are pregnant or delivered a baby in the past six months
  • Are 60 or older
  • Are a woman

Are You at Risk for Thyroid Disease? | Everyday Health

What are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders?

The signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders are often similar to those of other health conditions, which makes it tedious to detect the thyroid disorder without undergoing a comprehensive medical exam. Thyroid disorders may advance and cause severe symptoms if not treated early. The caring team at North Houston Diabetes recommend that you seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Frequent bowel movements or constipation
  • Enlarged thyroid gland
  • Joint pain
  • High sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Lumps on your thyroid gland
  • Dry or pale skin
  • Loss of hair
  • Sleeping problems
  • Unexplained muscle weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Unexplained changes in your menstrual periods
  • Unprecedented weight loss or weight gain
  • Irritability, fatigue, or depression

Thyroid Disease and Diabetes - Diabetes Self-Management

Thyroid diseases are more prevalent in women than in men. If you experience any of the above symptoms, visit the North Houston Diabetes Institute for thyroid disease screenings.

What are the Treatment Options for Thyroid Disorders?

During your appointment, the team performs a thorough medical exam to determine if you have a thyroid disorder. Your doctor may also review your medical history and ask questions about your symptoms. They may also conduct ultrasounds, imaging tests, blood tests, and biopsies to detect thyroid abnormalities and create an appropriate treatment plan. The treatments for thyroid disorders depend on the type and severity of your thyroid problem. The team may recommend:

  • Dietary supplements
  • Adopting a healthy diet and making minor lifestyle changes
  • Radioiodine therapy
  • Medications

If your doctor diagnoses you for thyroid cancer, he may recommend thyroid surgery.

In case you’re experiencing the symptoms of thyroid disease, call North Houston Diabetes Institute or book an appointment online to begin your treatment.