July 27, 2024
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

What Causes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female genital system that can present with systemic symptoms. This infection is caused by bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea. The infection spreads upward from the vagina to the uterus and may spread to involve the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and the peritoneal cavity.

The signs and symptoms of PID vary in different women and some women may not experience any symptoms at all. With early age of sexual debut in McAllen, Texas, more young women are at risk of PID. PID can present with non-specific symptoms and that is why the doctor at McAllen gynecology takes a thorough medical history and physical examination to rule out other conditions.

How Does PID Present?

The common symptoms of PID include lower abdominal pain and pelvic pain. You may also experience pain during sexual intercourse and when urinating. Frequency of urination is also a common symptom. PID also presents with vaginal discharge that can have a non-pleasing odor. This discharge may be green or yellow.

You can have abnormally heavy and painful periods and bleeding in between periods when you have PID. The non-specific symptoms of PID include nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. You should consult a doctor if you experience these symptoms.

What Are the Risk Factors of PID?

You are at a high risk of PID if you have many sexual partners and if you do not use protection during sex. If your male partner has more than one sexual partner, you are at a higher risk of PID. PID is common in women who are younger than 25 years who practice unsafe sex. If you have underlying sexually transmitted diseases or you have had PID in the past, you are at risk of PID.

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Some practices increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases like douching. This is because douching alters the distribution of the normal flora of the vagina, making you prone to infections. Introducing unsterilized instruments in the vagina during abortion or insertion of IUD can also cause PID.

When untreated, PID can cause some complications like infertility. PID causes adhesions in the female genitalia which disrupts the implantation of the fetus and thus causing infertility. Other complications of PID include ectopic pregnancy, abscess formation, and chronic pain.

How Can You Prevent PID?

You can prevent PID by practicing safe sex and using protection during sex. Avoid having multiple sexual partners or having a male partner who has many sexual partners. Avoid douching and introducing unsterilized instruments inside your genitalia. It is advisable to go for regular screening of sexually transmitted diseases and PID together with your male partner.

PID is an infection of the female genital system that begins when microorganisms get inside the vagina and ascend to other organs in the pelvis. This condition is common in women with multiple sexual partners and those who do not practice safe sex. The symptoms of PID include pelvic pain, smelly vaginal discharge, and fever. Consult a doctor when you experience these symptoms to avoid complications like infertility.