July 27, 2024
Who Is at Risk of Developing Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Who Is at Risk of Developing Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Who Is at Risk of Developing Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Pelvic organs are usually held in place by tissue, muscle, and ligaments. Due to various circumstances, the muscles may at times weaken causing the organs to drop into the woman’s vaginal canal. It is a condition that makes most people feel uncomfortable and embarrassed to talk about. If left untreated, the condition could develop and lead to severe complications. Therefore, people with prolapse in Midwood, and other areas should seek professional treatment early before it progresses. Book an appointment today with Dr. Gregory Shiffrin, OB/GYN PC, for personalized treatment.

Which are the Common Types of prolapse?

Types of prolapse are classified according to the pelvic organ affected. Here are the common types:

  • Uterine prolapse: Occurs when the uterus falls partly or fully on the vaginal opening. It has four stages. The first one is where the uterus has fallen into the upper vagina, while the fourth one is when the uterus is entirely out of the vagina.
  • Vaginal vault prolapse: This type of prolapse describes a situation where the top vagina falls into the vaginal canal. It is more common in women who have undergone a hysterectomy.
  • Cystocele: It occurs when the bladder falls into the vaginal canal.
  • Urethrocele: Urethrocele occurs when the urethra droops into the vagina. In most cases, urethra and bladder prolapses occur together.
  • Rectocele: Describes a situation where the rectum falls out of the vagina.
  • Enterocele: Enterocele usually develops together with vaginal vault prolapse. It refers to the condition where the small intestines droop into the vaginal canal.

What are the Risks of Prolapse?

The various causes of pelvic prolapse include:

  • Surgery: As discussed, surgical procedures such as a hysterectomy could increase the chances of developing prolapse. Radiation treatment could also cause prolapse.
  • Childbirth: Women who have had vaginal deliveries are at a higher risk of developing prolapse than those who have given birth through cesarean section. The risks increase with the number of vaginal deliveries.
  • Aging: Our body muscles weaken as we grow older. Thus, older women are likely to develop pelvic prolapse with age.
  • Genetic factors: If you come from a family with a history of pelvic prolapses, your pelvic support system may naturally fail to hold organs.
  • Menopause: When women reach menopause, the body decreases the production of hormones that were used to regulate menstrual cycles, known as estrogen. Without the hormone, pelvic muscles are likely to weaken and lead to prolapse.
  • Obesity: The excess weight in people living with obesity exerts extra pressure on the pelvic area, resulting in a prolapse.
  • Bowel straining: If you strain during bowel movements, you are most likely to be exerting more pressure on abdominal muscles, which results in vaginal prolapse.
  • Chronic cough: Smokers or people living with asthma are at a higher risk of developing prolapse because a chronic cough also exerts more pressure on the pelvic area.

At first, the issue associated with pelvic prolapse may not cause too much trouble. However, with time after exercises or standing for too long, the symptoms begin to worsen. Therefore, if you are having sexual problems or urine leakages, you should seek medical assistance for a diagnosis. Book an appointment online today with Dr. Gregory Schifrin, OB/GYN PC.