July 27, 2024
What You Need to Know About Endogenous Ablation

What You Need to Know About Endogenous Ablation

Side Effect of Vein Therapies and Possible Therapy Risks & Complications

Varicose veins affect almost half of the population of adults in the United States. This condition is where the veins abnormally bulge and become visible on the skin surface, lengthen, dilate, or twisted, these normally happen on the legs or thighs. This occurs when the valves in the veins leak, causing a build-up of blood, thus enlarging the veins. Varicose can cause pain and discomfort and may lead to complications. To treat this condition may require self-care treatments and procedures such as endogenous ablation. Endogenous ablation is a noninvasive treatment of using heat to close the superficial vein responsible for varicose veins. If you have swollen and painful legs, specialists of endovenous ablation in Westlake at Premier Vein Clinic have the experience to treat and diagnose diseases of the veins.

How does Endogenous Ablation work?

This process uses laser energy where a catheter is inserted into the affected vein, and the heat energy closes the vein. The pain will gradually reduce in size and be absorbed by the body. Before the procedure, your doctor may recommend you to stop using medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood thinners, and aspirin.

What Happens During Endogenous Ablation?

When you visit your doctor, you will be required to remove the jewelry, and the doctor will ask you to wear a hospital gown. You will then be asked to lie down on the examination table, where you will be given eyeglasses to protect you from the laser rays during the procedure. Before and during this procedure, the doctor will use an ultrasound machine to check the vein. Your doctor will then inject you with an anesthetic to numb the part that the catheter will go through while accessing your vein. Your doctor will then insert the catheter, which has a laser fiber through an incision on your body into the affected vein. As the doctor pulls it out, the vein is heated up, thus sealing it, and it gradually shrinks and is absorbed by the body. This procedure will take a short time and won’t require a hospital stay. After the procedure, the doctor will then place a bandage on the incision to cover it.

How Should I Prepare for the Endogenous Ablation Process?

  • When you visit your doctor, the specialist will explain what this process entails and give you a consent form that grants the procedure to be done.
  • It would help if you ask any questions regarding this process. Explain to your doctor about any existing medical conditions and medicines such as herbal supplements, ibuprofen, or any blood-thinning drugs. The doctor may ask you to stop using such drugs before the procedure. You should also explain to your doctor if you have any allergies.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes
  • Avoid food or drinks eight hours before the procedure.

What are the Advantages of Endogenous Ablation?

  • No surgery is needed- only a small incision is made, which does not require stitches afterward.
  • It relieves symptoms with little or no pain.
  • Has fewer complications if any.
  • Veins will eventually disappear.

After the procedure, your doctor will give you further instructions, and you should adhere to them. Take care of the incision site while making sure that you check the area for any abnormalities. Remember to put on compression stockings to prevent further swelling and blood clotting.

Contact your doctor for questions such as when to begin taking other medications such as blood-thinning medicine.