September 8, 2024
Practices To Manage Osteoporosis

Practices To Manage Osteoporosis

Even though you may not be able to reverse the symptoms of osteoporosis completely, certain practices may help you manage it. Exercise and observing a healthy diet are some of the simplest ones. However, home remedies are not enough. You have to seek the help of a doctor as well. Osteoporosis and Rheumatology Center of Tampa Bay is a good choice.

Increase Your Intake of Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium is great for your bones. If you are aged 19-50, you need 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day. You may need more if you are older.

Sources of calcium include plant-based milk, salmon, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables. Even though you should try to get your calcium from food, your doctor may help you find the right supplements. Do not start taking supplements before getting the opinion of a doctor. Vitamin D may help your body absorb calcium.

It is present in the sunshine, but you may also find it in fortified foods. If you need it, your doctor may prescribe vitamin D supplements.

Foods to Avoid

Limit your consumption of phosphorus as it promotes bone loss. Foods that are rich in phosphorus include soft drinks and red meat. Limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol as they slow down the absorption of calcium into your body. Women are encouraged to increase their consumption of tofu and soy products as they help maintain estrogen levels.

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Regular exercise may help manage osteoporosis. However, you should get the opinion of a doctor before adopting any exercise program. You can start exercising, no matter how brittle your bones are. A proper program will help you minimize falls and bone fractures. Exercise promotes your balance, coordination, and flexibility.

Your doctor will prescribe the right exercise depending on the severity of your osteoporosis, your weight, fitness level, and what you want to achieve. Different exercise plans are appropriate for different needs.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep could make your osteoporosis worse. Older adults who get less than six hours of sleep are more prone to osteoporosis than those who get sufficient sleep. Where possible, try to get seven or eight hours of sleep.

Keep Your Stomach Acid

If you are on acid-blocking medication, it may be making your osteoporosis worse. Medication for hiatal hernia and heartburn suppresses stomach acid, which is essential for the absorption of calcium and magnesium. The medication is meant for use over just a few weeks, not years.

Osteoporosis is a common disease, and it has been around for many years. Even though it was rare a century ago, changes in lifestyle have made it so common that it could affect anyone. Changes in diet and lifestyle may help you manage or prevent it. Some of the most effective ways to keep it in check include getting some sunshine every day, getting a minimum of six hours of sleep, and eating calcium-rich food. However, home remedies are not an alternative to medical help. Seek the help of a doctor as soon as you can.