July 27, 2024
How An Addiction Counsellor Might Help You Through Recovery

How An Addiction Counsellor Might Help You Through Recovery

Drug addiction begins when you start using substances to escape your reality, and over time you start believing that you need the drugs to function normally. Opioid addiction affects millions of people around the world, and it is a complex disease that affects the body and brain through the stimulation of the brain’s reward system. Continuous use of opioids gradually changes the brain physically in such a way that you find yourself depending on the drug. Once you are accustomed to a normal dose, your brain will begin yearning for a higher dosage. When you realize that you have a problem with opioid addiction, don’t hesitate to look for a Malibu, CA, addiction counselor.

Symptoms Of Opioid Addiction

When your brain is wired to depend on opioids, you get the stimulation of the brain’s reward system and you begin to yearn for larger doses. If you attempt to stop using opioids, you experience withdrawal symptoms that start gradually after the last dose and get worse as time passes. Some of the opioids withdrawal symptoms include:

  •       Insomnia
  •       Anxiety
  •       Yawning
  •       Running nose
  •       Nausea and vomiting
  •       Sweating and fever
  •       Diarrhea and digestion related problems.

Opioids Addiction Treatment

Your addiction counselor might recommend medication-assisted treatment to deal with opioids addiction. The treatment combines both uses of medication and therapy in dealing with addiction, and medication helps in detoxification while therapy can help in behavioral changes.

The medication helps you deal with withdrawal symptoms, stop your cravings, and block the nerves that are responsible for the effects of opioids usage. The chemicals in the drugs thus act as a reboot for the brain through normalization of the brain cells.

Individual and group therapy for opioids addicts help them change their behaviors through psychological and social counseling. Through therapy, you learn of your own emotions that lead to the use of the drugs and accept that you have a problem. You might also learn how your addiction is affecting your loved ones. Through therapy, you will start making mindful choices that help you through the recovery process.

Treatment For Opioids For Patients With Dual Diagnosis

Most patients that have opioids addiction are likely to have other mental issues such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and bipolar disorder. Your counselor should conduct a state-of-the-art genetic screening for other conditions associated with opioids addiction. You should use drugs that treat both conditions, improving your overall well-being.

The Benefits Of Finding A Counselor

A counselor is interested in your well-being and will help you through the process by explaining the issues related to the recovery process. A counselor will help you by encouraging you and creating strategies that prevent relapse. They might also meet with your family and advise them on how to cope through the process and might refer you to outside support groups.


Opioids addiction changes the functioning of the brain by creating dependence on the drugs. Once you are used to your normal dosage, you might feel the need to increase your dosage. Seek medical attention for addiction by finding a counselor that meets your needs. A counselor might recommend useful medication and therapy, and help you find outside support groups.