January 13, 2025
Essential Facts About Weight Loss Counseling

Essential Facts About Weight Loss Counseling

Watching your weight is vital for both your physical and mental health. Are you having trouble managing your weight? Weight management depends on many factors such as your cravings, mindset, and food patterns. Fairfax weight-loss counseling is setting the standard by offering the best weight loss counseling available. Dr. Ruhit leads a qualified team of physicians to help patients realize their aesthetic goals and become healthier.

What Is Weight Loss Counseling?

This treatment can assist you in identifying specific health and emotional factors that are impairing your weight-loss efforts. You can lose weight by making changes in your behavior and to your knowledge and thoughts about food. Plus, you will need exercise for better results.

Dr. Suri adopts behavioral therapy into your weight loss program to bring you the best results. The doctor offers medical and physical examinations, exercise plans, and nutrition training among other services. Treatment commences with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Suri to discuss your eating habits, general approach to food, and nutrition knowledge. He leads you on a discovery journey on what behaviors are detrimental to your weight management, such as frequent snacking on candy.

What Are Trigger Foods

These are foods that cause you to overeat. Trigger foods cause cravings and may create an emotional connection to that food. Dr. Suri will help you find creative ways of managing these trigger foods, for instance, decreasing their accessibility from your home, or replacing them with a healthier food choice.

The doctor focuses on enhancing mindfulness, nutritional training, and behavioral interventions to understand particular trigger foods. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment and concentrating on what you are ingesting and why. With mindful exercises, you can tune in to your body’s cues of hunger and satiety.

Benefits Of Weight Loss Counselling

There are several benefits of using weight loss counseling. This procedure helps you to plan your shopping for your food. In addition, it provides an excellent environment to get you going in your weight loss campaign. Dr. Ruhit emphasizes stocking up on healthy snacks, practicing mindfulness, working towards your aesthetic goals, and fostering self-belief.

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During the first meeting, you get to meet a nutritionist who formulates a meal plan and exercise plan tailor-made for you. The weight management program is divided into two stages, namely weight loss and weight management. Eating habits are just as effective in weight management as exercise.

What Is Medically Supervised Weight Loss?

Most people end up gaining back weight even after diet and exercise. Medically supervised weight loss ensures long-term results are achieved progressively and securely. When you visit Nova Wellness Center, you will be given a customized weight loss plan ideal just for you. Your treatment plan is subject to individual factors such as your age, medical history, goals, and lifestyle. You will then be guided strategically in every step of your weight loss journey.

What Is Included In The Weight Loss Program?

Your weight loss program is determined by many factors including;

  • Body Composition Testing-this procedure provides information on your caloric needs for weight loss.
  • Meal Planning-the plan consists of natural foods and meal replacement products. He uses scientifically proven nutrition methods to help you realize your body goals.
  • Behavioral Counseling-This comprises exercise recommendations, eating out tips, and strategies for social conditions.
  • Medication-in some instances, you might be given FDA-approved medications to help you in weight management.

Expected Results With A Weight Loss Program

Everybody is unique in their own way when it comes to weight loss. The speed of weight loss is dependent on your age, starting weight, and following dietary guidelines. You can expect to achieve your desired body under the tutelage of a board-certified obesity medicine team.

You can get back the body you hope for. Call today or book an appointment with Nova Physician Wellness Center to have a customized weight loss program designed just for you.