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What To Do If You Have A Wound That Is Healing Slowly

What To Do If You Have A Wound That Is Healing Slowly

Do you have a cut or a scrape you feel is taking too long to heal? There are a variety of reasons as to why the wound is not showing any signs of going away. Although there is not much you can do for some factors such as old age; there are plenty of things you can do to speed up the healing. However, the most crucial thing is to know when to seek medical attention for your wounds.

Any wound that persists is said to be chronic and can be painful, affecting your daily activities. Fortunately, there is help. Autumn Savage, DO, CWS-P and the exceptional team at Wound Evolution –Wound Care and Hyperbolic Medicine in Fort Worth, Texas, can help you accelerate the wound healing process.

Seek Would Care

This is the best approach to take for a chronic wound. This is because such injuries can cause severe complications such as amputation and bone infection if not properly managed. Always overcome the temptation to wait and see if the wound would heal on its own. It can be an ulcer that does not heal and only gets worse.

If you have any of the following wounds, do not hesitate to seek professional care at Wound Evolution –Wound Care and Hyperbolic Medicine.

If you are not sure about your wound, your provider can help diagnose you and reduce the risk of serious infections. However, the following symptoms can indicate a need for skilled treatment.

What To Expect During Wound Care

Intensive treatment is needed for a chronic wound. This includes a thorough assessment, physical examination, medical history review and evaluation of the depth and size of the injury. Comprehensive care is the best option for the wound. This involves combining specialized treatments such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, nutrition, and advanced dressings.

There is a wide range of essential wound care therapies including

How You Can Speed Up Wound Healing

Several recommendations about your lifestyle and diet may be made to complement the treatment procedures. You can be counselled on the following:

Good Nutrition

Wound healing requires several essential nutrients, and it would be necessary to include them on your diet.

Use Of Bandage

At Wound Evolution –Wound Care and Hyperbolic Medicine, you can be taught how to dress and care for your wound at home. This is because it protects the injury from further trauma, promoting optimal healing.

Lifestyle Changes

Some things you do in life, such as smoking and drinking alcohol can delay the healing process. It is recommended to avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake to provide an optimal wound healing environment.

If your wound doesn’t show signs of healing or is taking more time, or it reoccurred, this is no typical wound. It’s rather chronic and should be addressed through holistic wound care. If you want to learn more about your injury, contact Wound Evolution –Wound Care and Hyperbolic Medicine and get the help you need. This is the right thing to do.

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